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Cause analysis of poor heat dissipation effect of thermal conductive silicone grease

Thermal conductive silicone grease is a kind of heat dissipating product used between the heat generator and the radiator to improve the heat transfer efficiency of the components. But sometimes I bought a expensive thermal conductive silicone grease, and the heat dissipation effect was not satisfactory. Let's analyze the reasons for the poor heat dissipation effect of the···

With the advent of 5G era, the demand for thermal conductive and heat dissipating materials for smart phones

Heat conduction silicone grease heat dissipation technology makes everything possible

For led enterprises, "None" concept will bring all the new technology cooling methods or cause their changes, especially some enterprises focusing on traditional cooling, we must speed up the pace of adjusting the product line of enterprises to cope with the impact of technological innovation. When the general trend has come and the enterprise changes slowly, it may b···

The Difference between Silicone Gel, TPU and PC

Silicone materialSilica gel (also known as silica): silicone rubber is a kind of highly active adsorption material, which belongs to amorphous material, and its chemical formula is msio2 · nH2O. Insoluble in water and any solvent, non-toxic and tasteless, stable in chemical properties, no reaction with any substance except strong base and hydrofluoric acid. Different types of s···
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