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Why do you need thermal conductive materials?

Heat conduction material, also known as heat conduction material, is a new type of material widely used at present, which is different from the traditional cognitive materials, such as plastic materials, metal materials, etc. at present, the research and development of heat conduction materials is very hot, generally these are national high-tech industries.So why do you need he···

Thermal conductive silica grease and thermal conductive silica gel

Heat conductive silica gel is a kind of potting adhesive which can be solidified at room temperature. The biggest difference between heat conductive silica gel and heat conductive silicone grease is that heat conductive silica gel can be solidified and has certain bonding performance. Heat conducting silica gel is generally used on the surface of some electronic parts and chip···

Heat Dissipation Mode of Power Battery for New Energy Vehicle

The power battery is the core of the new energy battery, and the function of the battery diaphragm is also very important. It is mainly to separate the positive and negative plates of the battery in a narrow space to prevent the short circuit caused by the contact between the two poles, but it can ensure the free passage of ions in the electrolyte between the positive and nega···

Application of Graphene in Heat Conduction and Heat Dissipation

Since its discovery, graphene has been known as the "king of new materials" because of its excellent performance, excellent application scenarios and unparalleled position in the industrial field. At present, the research and development direction of graphene industry is to continuously expand the application of emerging industries around the national demand for new ···
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